
This module defines the signals that are fired by the views in django_helmholtz_aai.views module.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_user_created = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired when a user has been created via the Helmholtz AAI

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a new user has been created. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_user_logged_in = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired when a user logs in via the Helmholtz AAI

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a user logged in via the Helmholtz AAI. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_user_updated = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired when a user receives an update via the Helmholtz AAI

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a user who does already have an account gets updated, e.g. because the email of the preferred_username changed in the Helmholtz AAI. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_vo_created = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired if a new Virtual Organization has been created

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a new virtual organization has been created from the Helmholtz AAI because a of this VO registered on the website. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_vo_entered = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired if a Helmholtz AAI user enteres a VO

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a user enters a virtual organization as the user is a member in the Helmholtz AAI. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.

django_helmholtz_aai.signals.aai_vo_left = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object>

Signal that is fired if a Helmholtz AAI user left a VO

This signal is called by the HelmholtzAuthentificationView when a user leaves a virtual organization as the user is not anymore a member in the Helmholtz AAI. Subscribers to this signal can accept the following parameters.
