URL config

URL patterns of the django-helmholtz-aai to be included via:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatters = [
    path("helmholtz-aai/", include("django_helmholtz_aai.urls")),



App name for the django-helmholtz-aai to be used in calls to django.urls.reverse()


urlpattern for the Helmholtz AAI .

django_helmholtz_aai.urls.app_name = 'django_helmholtz_aai'

App name for the django-helmholtz-aai to be used in calls to django.urls.reverse()

django_helmholtz_aai.urls.urlpatterns: List[Any] = [<URLPattern 'login/' [name='login']>, <URLPattern 'auth/' [name='auth']>]

urlpattern for the Helmholtz AAI .. code-block:: JavaScript

[<URLPattern ‘login/’ [name=’login’]>, <URLPattern ‘auth/’ [name=’auth’]>]